Monday, December 08, 2008

WAYNE SCOTT: On the Road and at Clown College

Photos courtesy of Greg DeSanto

Here is Wayne Scott (whiteface in plaid in the center) apparently receiving a diploma from Clown College from the one and only "Uncle Miltie" Milton Berle in 1969. 

But didn't Wayne graduate Clown College in 1968?!?

Michael Karp tells us that this photo was taken in the summer of 1969, at the Inglewood Forum outside of Los Angeles, and was merely a straight-ahead photo op.

Jack Ryan of Solters and Sabinson, who handled the show's national PR, simply hustled several of the clowns out of the alley, shot the photo and whisked Berle away!

Here's Wayne Scott at the Venice arena during Clown College in the autumn of 1968 (at right in Hawaiian shirt) observing as Danny Chapman teaches... well, I'm not exactly sure what Danny is teaching here and I actually think it would be better for all concerned if I didn't even venture to guess.

Mr. Karp, a little help here please...


  1. That's Lou Jacobs with his back to the camera helping with the "crab roll" or whatever it's called.


  2. Hello, Pat:

    The confusion here is, I think, that the photo I described in your post of February 19th, 2008, was indeed taken in the summer of '69, and was an "in-and-out" photo op of the Red Unit alley.

    This photo, I believe, is of the alley on the 1969 or 1970 Blue Unit, of which Wayne (a very good clown and very good guy, as I recall) was a member, and with which Danny Chapman, seen on the far left in the photo, toured as well.

    The clowns receiving their diplomas in this photo were not the 1969 Red Unit alley, so this photo must have been set up at a different time and place from the one you originally ran...

    Apparently, good old resourceful Jack Ryan had some pull with Berle and got him to visit the show twice!

    Still wish you could find the photo of my head transposed on Berle's body!

    --Michael Karp

  3. Those clowns look sooo thrilled to be listening to Uncle Miltie. I wonder what he was saying to them.

  4. The back of the photo says Houston, TX 1969. Berle must have been working in town and Jack Ryan was able to get Uncle Miltie to come out and hand out the blank typewriter paper with red ribbon 'diplomas" to the new clowns.


  5. Wayne was in the first clown college which was sept. and oct. of 68. Eric Braun is sitting on the ring curb and Dalton Deerborn is next to Dan Chapman

  6. Just talked to Scott Bryan, who also thought the top man on the (whatever it is) "crab roll" might be him. Also, reminded me that the Blue Show played Houston in 1969 for over two months at least! (Maybe to give Judge Hofheinz a place to entertain guests...) Plenty of time to get Berle over there!
    --Michael Karp
