Wednesday, January 28, 2009


"If you know that someone is speaking badly of you behind your back, and if you react to that negativity with a feeling of hurt, then you destroy your own peace of mind. One's pain is one's own creation. One should treat such thing as if they are wind behind one's ear. In other words, just brush them aside. To a large extent, whether or not one suffers pain depends on how one responds to a given situation. What makes a difference is whether or not one is too sensitive and takes things too seriously."


  1. Hey Pat,
    You've been featuring this Dolly Yamma (any relation to Dolly Jacobs?) fellow a lot lately, and I'd like to learn more about him. Do you have any footage of him? What kind of venues does he work--circus? birthdays? street shows? I'd love to see pictures of him "in face", or is he an example of the trend towards lighter make-up? I heard he does a great "levitation" gag!

    Rik Gern

  2. There is a time for comedy and a time to keep quiet and maybe learn something that just might benefit your life. Closed lips catch no feet.

  3. "Closed lips catch no feet"
    True, but they can't laugh either.
    Oh, the paradoxes, grasshopper.

    Rik Gern
