Wednesday, January 21, 2009

SCOTT LINKER: Circus Circus

Mr. Linker warming up the crowd in Las Vegas, NV.

1 comment:

  1. Scott is very committed to his character and would not talk on the floor during his run with the Ringling show ... no matter what the situation. With this in mind, we never could figure out why Mr. Feld chose him to lead a family around the floor during the Tahar Spec. Tahar was an alligator wrangler/hypnotist. The closing of this Spec included an elephant long mount. For some reason, the timing was off during one show. Scott was moving his family to their next spot and they ended up on back track with their backs to the oncoming herd of elephants. As the story goes, Scott caught the seriousness of the moment and immediately jumped into action ... by pantomiming to his family that they were about to be crushed by a herd of elephants. The family simply laughed at Scott's desperate ... silent ... antics. One of the other clowns on the floor, my wife Brenda, caught what was going on from across the arena. She rushed over to Scott's family and moved them off the track and out of danger. She then proceeded to smack Scott , very hard, on the top of the head ... to the delight of the family who were blissfully unaware of the danger they had narrowly escaped.

    Aside from the quirkiness of his self-imposed floor silence, Scott's commitment to his character has remained a constant inspiration to me and my work.

    Kenny Ahern
