Tuesday, April 07, 2009


New promo photos of Mark Lohr, Andrew Scharff and myself, Cirque Idiotique.


  1. the first were actually in rosemont...nov 2008.either way they are a joke..just looking to hand out contracts..not much else.. and not much to choose from.. ringling is soooooooooo not what they used to be.. a rock concert gone wrong...no longer a circus.. its a CIRQUE wanna be.. shame

  2. I like the bottom picture the best. Stack clowns...

  3. Pat, the mustache hides a lot of your facial expression - don't ya think?

  4. It hides a bit more in these pictures than usual because of the stage lighting.

    It's going to be a learning curve but overall I'm very happy with the response that I've gotten using the character.

    It's clowny enough that kids know exactly what it is without the greasepaint that their older siblings seem to have such an immediate negative reaction to.

  5. Facial expressions are overated. Look what Keaton could do without facial expressions. If there are three people mugging all over the place then 'less' is best. It is the same with a lot of exaggerated movement... the still fella is going to take focus. Maybe this new character of yours doesn't HAVE to work so hard with his face. Use your body and eyes more!?!
