Saturday, June 27, 2009

BILLY VAUGHN: The Triple Somersault

One of my life's great pleasures is watching Billy Vaughn at work.

Billy loves being a clown and children clearly adore what he does.

THIS is what it's all about.


  1. There are a lot of great little moments in this but I think that my very favorite is that when Billy tells them that he is getting ready to leave there is an audible "awwwwww" of disappointment from the kids.

  2. clowning is not a job,it is a passion not the costume or big expensive clown shoes,it all comes from within your heart.Do what you love and you will be rewarded and succesfull Rob...Make'em' laugh;O}

  3. We are very proud to have worked with Billy, & to be able to call him our friend.
    Trudy & Bill

  4. I was lucky enough to team up with Bill for some numbers in Clown College.

    Just a real class act. And loads of fun too!

    Thanks for the video.

  5. I love watching Billy perform, and really miss working with him.

    I have some great memories of working with him on the Vidbel show.

