Thursday, August 13, 2009


I've been contacted by Mike's niece, Teresa Tenekedjian, looking for more information on Mike's years with Alf Landon as well as his many years on Ringling and Beatty-Cole. If anyone out there worked with Mike over the years please take a moment to post your stories in the "comments" of this post to share with the family.


  1. I worked with Mike in the early 70,s. There are so many stories. I remember he used to take the first bus so he could get home to use the stove first. Every night he would come home and cook a big huge steak. he used to say how that would keep him fit. he would then retire to his room and close the door. We would hear his TV and histerical laughter coming from his room. One day I was walking by and his door accidentally was open. When I looked in there his TV was on with no picture. And to my surprise he had little stick figures drawn with a sharpie on the screen and he was laughing his ass off. Sure miss those days. More stories to follow Mitch Freddes

  2. Mike Padilla, was absolutely the funniest, and ugliest baby in the world, and a perfect little person partner for Lou Jacobs in his baby stroller gag, or the cop in the little car, or the haywagon driver, with the pile collapsing on a shotgun cue as Lou's strawed pitchfork finally caught up with it on the front track. Not only was Mike funny working with Lou, but he also sensed it was his job security in a new age Clown Alley that came with the arrival of Irvin Feld. Though not a steady drinker, when he usually came in from a bar with Billy Ward or Frankie Saluto, or any of the last call clowns that stumbled back on the vestibule, his usual silence was punctuated, with, " I work with Papa Lou", I work with Papa Lou". He didn't really speak that much English, although I suspect that he knew more than he let on with his Argentinian quizzical look. When upset, he would rattle to the upsetter in machine gun Spanish, that was funny as as much endearing. When Zapata intervened to translate Mike's anger, it became hysterical. He never spoke much about his work with Alfredo Langdon, besides the fact that Alfredo took most of the money, and left the little folks little. Out of makeup he was very private and resembled a micro version of a South American Leo Gorcey, and had a hearty sense of humor. In makeup he was a total professional and a genuinely funny clown. Mike lived across the aisle from me on the bunk bed double high clown car. He usually took the first bus to the building, and would serve as my alarm clock, pulling back my curtain to wake me. "Don't miss the bus, Billy ...don't miss the bus, you gotta be funny today". He was funny everyday, and everyday was fun to be around Mike Padilla.
    God bless

  3. Does anyone have a video of the haywagon gag? Wasn't it done right before the aerial ballet?
