Friday, October 02, 2009

JAMES: Has Opened His Eyes!

James opened his eyes for the first time at 9:57 PM to look around at Shane and I and thank everyone, everywhere for the prayers, well wishes and extremely positive energy sent his way from all over the world today.

Thank you.


  1. Hi, Pat and family,

    Seeing pictures of James tonight and reading your updates has been wonderful. Thank you for sharing your story with us. You all are in our prayers and thoughts - mom even lit a vigil candle for all of you at our church on Wednesday. It will burn for about seven days and even though we aren't praying 24/7, the candle will send our prayers for you up to heaven. Hang in there, Daddy, and when you can, give that beautiful son of yours a hug for us, and tell him he has friends in Minnesota. Shane can explain where that is later. Give Shane and Terry a hug for us, too!
    With love,

    Mary D., Mary's mom, and Mary's aunt

  2. Pat~
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Looking forward to hearing of young James' consistent improvements.
    All the best,

  3. Even with all the little guy's been thru so far, he's still handsome and adorable.
    He's got a loving family, which means he's already a kid rich beyond measure.

    God bless you all.
