Thursday, November 19, 2009

EARL SHIPLEY: From the Camden Courier-Post (June 12, 1933)

At this time Earl was a Producing Clown on the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus...

"Among the 65 clowns with the Great Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, coming to Camden next Thursday will be Earl Shipley, one of the most noted funsters in the land of sawdust and spangles. Not only is he famous as a pantomime artist, but he is the producing head of "Clown Alley" for the big show and the leader of the famous Hagenbeck-Wallace clown band."

1 comment:

  1. Earl was a friend of mine in my early years. He and my father had trouped together and were friends as well. He was a very nice person and excellent clown. Very respected by all in this biz. He was also an excellent thrill show clown. Later he would be the outdoor representative for the AGVA [American guild of variety artists] and with his respected personna was successful in that field. His lovely wife, Hattie was with him throughout the years. We note that he wrote from Europe as a soldier bin the first Worold War to circus oriented pub. and was already an up and coming circus clown anxious to get back on the road. I am pleased that you have him highlighted on your blog and only put my two cents worth in because of knowing him and what a fine person and good circus clown that he was. I am sure all of those up there in "the old showman's heaven" would concur with my sentiments. Thanks, Johnny
