Sunday, December 20, 2009

SHOWFOLKS CIRCUS 2009: Even More Photos

Photos courtesy of Toby Circus Ballantine...

Robin's shirt reads "Keep Staring, I Might Do a Trick".

It's Elmo's World, the rest of us just live in it.

Jackie upon learning that he was the only one who'd be doing full whiteface.


Barry in Repose

Elmo Gibb, King of the Ring


1 comment:

  1. Some good-looking clowns. Wish I had been there. I'm especially glad to see pics of Dean "The Elmo" Chambers. It's always good to see the Deanster / Elmster but also I kept thinking I saw him in RAGTIME on Broadway last Friday night. One of the actors, playing "Younger Brother," looked EGG-ZACK-LY like him 30 years ago. (Did you invent a time machine?) Congrats, guys & gal!
