Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CLOWN ALLEY: RBB&B 140th Edition Blue Unit Clown Car


  1. As the story goes, Batman, Iron Man, and Guitar Hero were suffering from depression went to see Sigmund Freud. Freud had been to the circus the night before and he gave his patients some unique advice...

  2. Hey, that's funny!
    Good job guys!

  3. If you listen very closely, you can hear Stan Lee tossing and turning in his sleep.

  4. You can also hear a couple of people rolling over in their graves.

  5. wut the heck has happened to actual clowns in ringling and actual clown skits????? they need desanto..they really do its sad what ringling has become!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That was incredibly unfunny, just like the penguin routine in over the just doesn't make sense and is really not very entertaining.
    I'm almost sorry I bought my tickets already...

  7. It's a different time and day on thr ringling show. Not one of these clowns attended clown college, some seem to be skilled and acrobatic, but does the show give them a chance to be funny?

  8. ...the kid loved it...

  9. in my day we had 18 clowns in the car and the blowoff was a 2 man girraffe. In those days we brought the clowns out at lightning speed with about 5 or 6 clowns already on the outside in the ring. This way the people really couldnt count the clowns. With the ones in the ring it looked like alot more came out of the car. We used a datsun b-210 in those days. With the girraffe it made for 21 clowns altogether in the car! Including Jim tinsman driving.Have alot of stories from inside . To be continued.............

  10. Some of the shows finest clowns never went to Clown College.

    They could bring back old producing clowns as mentioned. But that would just reproduce "bang, slap, fall down". Which isn't all that funny either.

  11. The point was not in the production value. We all know the clowns have very little they produce on their own. especially production gags. My point was the amount of clowns and the speed at which we got them out. There fore causing confusion in the minds of the audience. Remember the idea is how many you can fit in the car. I could put more people in my trunk! Also , whats up with all of the anonymous postings . I dont even know if these comments come from clowns around the world or just someone spouting off about something they have no idea about.
