Sunday, January 17, 2010

LOU JACOBS ARTICLE: Sarasota Herald-Tribune (March 9, 1979)

Please click the title of this post to read a very nice piece on Lou from the March 9, 1979 Sarasota Herald-Tribune. And yes, I need you feedback. Please let me know that you could or could not access the article. Thanks!


  1. No trouble getting to the article


  2. The article opens fine. Thanks again, Pat for your generosity in posting all of this invaluable material. Is there an index somewhere. I've spent many a happy hour searching for something I thought I remembered seeing here. ~Avner (

  3. great article! The Google News feature is interesting... a wee bit tedious to view/read... but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Was that photo part of the article..... or from your archives?

  4. Avner, there is a search box in the upper left hand corner of You should be able to find what you are looking for by using that.

    SOME older articles don't come up through that search box anymore (a problem since the site went down last year) so if you can't find what you are looking for by doing that, try a Google search using the name of the clown that you are looking for and adding "" to your search criteria.

    That usually works for me.

    Jeff, No the photo was from the archives. It looks like the same article was reprinted practically verbatim in several national papers over a span of a few days, but none of them ran any photos with it.

    Weird, because I am sure that Feld press people MUST have sent all the papers that ran the article several of Lou's then current press photos.

  5. The music for the beginning of the gag was, "Strolling Through The Park One Day".
    Mike Padilla also played the role of the cigar smoking baby.
    Dale Longmire also played the mother.
    Imagine a cigar smoking baby in today's uber politically correct world.
    Does anyone have this on tape?

  6. No problem - great article. As always,thanks!

  7. Pat, the articlepopped open just fine, but I can't seem to get the "comments" page to open.

