Monday, April 26, 2010

THE BEATTYS: Holiday on Ice

Link courtesy of Mike Naughton


  1. The Beattys were a joy to work with and one of the funniest on-ice acts I have ever seen.

    Almost every year there was a new "Mrs. Beatty," selected fro the show's female ensemble.

    The act was announced with great seriousness as "elegance on ice" or some such. We were always careful in the program book and news releases to play it totally straight and not give away the joke.

    Great clip. Brought back lots of laughs and memories.

  2. One of the funniest ice show routine I've ever seen. I was lucky enough to see it in person. Not knowing it was a comedy act, I was completely convinced that the first fall was real.
    The curtain falling at the end was terrific.
    I wish I had a cleaner video clip.
