Friday, June 18, 2010

CAROL BURNETT: With Emmett Kelly

Here's YET ANOTHER photo of Carol Burnett scared out of her wits. See in Diane Keaton's book CLOWN PAINTINGS Carol confessed that she simply cannot see a clown without being absolutely terrified because she was frightened by one at the circus as a child. Since then she can't be around them at all. They are SO creepy...

This despite the fact that there are several photos of her backstage at Ringling in L.A. with clowns such as Bobby Kay in the late 60s and 70s, year after year, when she took her kids to the circus for free. She seemed to forget to bring it up when she had Emmett Kelly as a guest on her program and again when Peggy Williams gave Ms. Burnett an honorary degree from the Ringling Clown College on her show.

Not that I think she's a flat out liar or anything...

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