Monday, September 13, 2010

ICHOF VIDEO PRESENTATION: This Friday Night in Seaside Heights, NJ

If you have not yet registered to attend Clownfest in Seaside Heights, NJ this week the you'd better get over to immediately so you don't risk missing a second of the fun and education. This year, Greg DeSanto will be there on behalf of the International Clown Hall of Fame with a sheduled a discussion on what's new with the ICHOF and a presentation of EXTREMELY RARE INTERNATIONAL CLOWN FILMS and VIDEOS! If you've seen any of Greg's earlier presentations you know that there is ALWAYS something that's been added to the collection as more and more rare performance videos get unearthed by the ICHOF.

This one is no exception. 

The ICHOF has just obtained a MAMMOTH collection of new video that will knock your striped clown socks off, so check out to be among the first to view these rare treasures in their ONLY NORTHEAST APPEARANCE FOR THE REST OF 2010!

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