Friday, November 12, 2010

ERICO: The Camera


  1. my god !! this must be the lamest version of a camera gag I ever saw.
    laughs almost zero. Pace: unexisting! character of the clown: lamer then lame. style of acting from the clown: horribly bad. It's worse then kindergarten theater. blow off: 1 out of 10!! has almost no effect.
    The audience get more aplausse for bravely trying then the clown. he gets NO aplausse at all when he leaves the ring. Even the smallets kids are bored! This is just shit wrapped in a cheap bag!

  2. This might explain all the empty seats in the tent! The sad thing is, it's "clowns" like this that are working...I guess cheap help resonates in Europe and South America as well.

  3. you know what the story is behind this " clown"?? Erico started as childrens entertainer. He does balloons and some magic: and its nothing spectacular. He never had the skills that usual european circusclowns have ( normally most european circusclowns play many instruments, speak at least 4 or 5 languages fluently and are mainly good acrobas and juglers). He got straight from childrens partys into the ring: with the same repertoire!!
