Monday, December 13, 2010


Photos courtesy of Barry Phillips

Jackie LeClaire, Barry Phillips & Graham "Coco Jr" Ahrhart

International Clown Hall of Fame inductees Steve Smith and Jackie Le Claire

The sign on the Alley door featuring images of Prince Paul, Mark Anthony, Peggy Williams and Lou Jacobs

Jackie and Barry "Bonzo" DeChant

There is not a word yet, for old friends who've just met: Jackie rehearsing with Sandy Kozik

I've been told by several people that Jackie and Sandy got along famously. I'm very glad to hear that as Sandy has wanted to meet Jackie for years and was greatly looking forward to working with him.

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing like "old show queens" getting together and Jackie and I hit it off from the get-go. I am in awe of him. Thank you for posting this photo and thanks again to Barry for taking it.
