Friday, December 10, 2010

SHOWFOLKS CIRCUS 2010: December 11th, 2010 2:00 & 7:00 PM

The Showfolks Circus is at the Robarts Arena in Sarasota, FL tomorrow. This year's Clown Alley includes Jackie Le Claire, Elmo Gibb, Sandy Kozik, Toby Ballantine, Robin Eurich, Barry Phillips, Barry DeChant and Dave & Sherri Sheppard.

I wish I could be there. 

If you are in the area, PLEASE go out and support the Showfolks and send me your pictures and video of the Alley. As always, the Alley gratefully accepts any and all coffee, donuts, water & Gatorade and other snacks so don't be shy ; )

1 comment:

  1. This looks like it would be a great show. I love this type of clown circus entertainment! Unfortunately, I'm not in the Saratsota area.
