Sunday, January 02, 2011

JOE "KOKO" COYLE: Detroit Yacht Club Venetian Night (1940)

Can anyone identify the two other clowns?


  1. Joe Coyle was the Christmas clown at Montgomery Wards in downtown Chicago for many years. I remember he was very funny and ALWAYS looked immaculate in his white wardrobe and makeup.

    He was also with Hagenbeck Wallace at the time of the horrible train wreck in 1918 and tragically lost his family in the accident.


  2. I am reseaching the Hagenbeck-Wallace wreck. Can you please tell me which clown is Koko Coyle in your image?

  3. He is the one with the large hat. He also worked at Marshall Fields in the toy department. There were dolls of his likeness sold at the store. He remarried and helped raise a step-daughter. He also briefly worked after the train accident for Bar. and Bailey circus. Information given is from distant relative who has been researching his life. Have pictures of him in street clothes with family which includes my Mom who is about 5 years old at the time of the picture.
