Monday, July 25, 2011

LACI "MOOKY" ENDRESZ JR: Juggling Act; Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain (1995)

Video courtesy of Circopedia


  1. Laci (pronounced "Lotsi") is the 3rd generation of his family to use the clown name Mooky, although he hadn't started clowning "solo" at this point.
    Kate is his sister (there is a brother, Tom, always known as "Bubu"), and is now Mrs. Banlaki.

  2. Great video!
    I just got mooky and mr. boo at the blackpool circus this july and they were great. loved their rendition of busy bee!

  3. Mr. Boo is actually Tom/Bubu Endresz, so their timing is helped by genetics!

  4. i thought that bubu was his real name, how did you know hes called tom? :)
