Friday, November 04, 2011

THE RASTELLIS: Circus Scott (August 18, 2011)


  1. these guys are really funny. what a treat. seems like both scott and rastelli are names that go way back to other generations, but they obviously are still right up there going strong. lots of good stuff to be copied. thanks for keeping us posted. johnny

  2. I've always loved the Rastellis from way back. Imagine my surprise at finding they are performing again, easily one of the best group acts I have ever seen. One thing does occur after seeing them perform before, The acts reference previous Rastelli acts and have been updated for a duo, but some of the timings seem a little hesistant compared to what I have seen of them before. To anyone watching this vid and thinking it's amazing, keep your eyes peeled as when this act has been performed more and timings gotten down - then they'll really blow your mind!

  3. yes smarty your absolutly wright: the act is wrewritten : used to be 4 clowns now its down to two. And immediatly you see whatmade the act actually great: most important element. the tempo they used to bring the gags with. one going other the other comming in. other two stayed in the ring. this aint possible anymore and takes the tempo out. the timing has to change. And also very missed in the act: Alfredo Rastelli. his double trumpets and personality made the act also better. maybe it will change a bit with time but i dont think the act is as strong as it used to be with 4 clowns

  4. with reference to John Herriotts comments. Yes lots of very good stuff, but not for copying. Take the idea and adapt it, thats what a real clown would do.
