Sunday, March 13, 2016

THE NEW YORK PLAYER: Ringling Bros. Show Long On Joeys (May 16, 1913)


Clowns Attracted an Unusual Amount of Attention During Engagement at Philadelphia Last Week 

PHILADELPHIA, May 10 . —Although every number on the program of the Ringling Brothers Circus delighted our people this week , the clown contingent this year is made up of such a list of talented performers that it is worthy of special notice . Their mirth-provoking antics cannot help but convulse people in all parts of the United States the same as they did here all this week . Al . Ringling always had a soft spot in his heart for an accomplished Joey and , as he knows that the paying public love to see the clowns , he has secured the foremost in their line in this show . To describe the many big numbers put on by the clowns would be difficult for when they are given the hippodrome track to work on , every portion of it is covered by the funny men in new and novel side-splitting diversions . An individual list of the many clowns with the show this season will prove interesting and valuable . Their names and the individual characterizations they assume , follows : Al Miaco , the youngest old clown in the business , who has been amusing the people of the United States since he was a boy—and that was many , many years ago—is giving an effective picture of William Jennings Bryan this year , besides joining in the group fun-making ; Billy Carroll , another clown who dates back a number of years , uses his individual specialty , the Two Headed Policeman ; George Hartzell . the Beau Brummel of clowns ; Horace Webb , who does the effective aeroplane specialty ; Fred . Stelling , butterfly ; Jules Tournour , pantomime clown ; Max Delea , The Strap-Hangers Plight ; Ed . Allen , rag artist ; Louie Plamodon , The Ride on Mothers Back ; W . Baird , trained pig ; Bert Leo , trained goose ; Sam Roberts , suffragette ; Paul Minno , eccentric dude ; Billy Jamison , giant fire-cracker ; The Three Mardos , Morning After and bath-tub ; Mickey McDonald , big-headed man ; Ed . Walton ; parcel post carrier ; Rollie Wilson , alligator hunt ; Alex Brock , three-legged sailor ; Eddie Nemo , long-legged man ; Jimmy Sprigs , old policeman ; The Two Casinos ; racing horse and pigs , Denny McPride , Ed . Nathers , Johnny Tripp and Earl Bambard .

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