Saturday, September 12, 2020

Uncle Junior Project: Robert "Onionhead" Dunn

Photo credit: The Washington Post

Robert "Onionhead" Dunn, a thirteen year veteran of Universoul Circus, is just one of the African-American circus artists whose story is being told through the Uncle Junior Project.

From their website:

"The Uncle Junior Project lends an opportunity to discover and honor the achievements of the many extraordinary individuals and groups in the African-American circus community.

TUJP is a digital exhibit that is:

  • inclusive of all groups of people

  • told by those who lived it

  • presented in an accessible format

  • true to both the positive and negative

Through interview-driven documentaries, powerful historical imagery, and personal essays; the exhibition profiles performers of African descent."

On the site you can find a short video interview with Onionhead as well as Danise Payne. The ICHOF has also recently supplied the UJP with video materials for Bernice Collins.

Please check them out at

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