Thursday, June 20, 2024

Ringling 1993: Big Bike

Ringmaster Eric Michael Gillett, Boss Clown Dave DeDera as the old lady, and cyclists Darren Cooper, Max Richardson, Ray LeClair, David Frank, and Zac Whinnem performing the big bike routine on the Ringling Red Unit in 1993.

This was during David Larible's tenure as headliner on the Red Unit, so this was the Alley's one big ring spot for the tour.
As a kid I remember being disappointed that there wasn't more of the Alley clowns in the show, although between Come In gags, track gags, and walkarounds, they were doing more that the clowns got to do in the final decade or so of the show's run before the "closing" in 2017.

This act was on the Blue and Red Units in 2000-2001 and 2011-2012 respectively, but done by Eastern European acrobats. 
It is my understanding that the clowns in this act suffered many injuries from the apparatus, which is not surprising. That thing is a beast! 

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