Thursday, July 26, 2007


Some scenes from Slava Polunin's Slava's Snow Show that don't look to be performed by Mr. Polunin himself.


  1. interesting to see that he also performs the same acts then years ago.

    the blue canarie song with the accordions can be seen in an old video earlyer on this page;

    but also he evoluates: the costumes are far more modern.

    is this polunin himself??

    the make up is different but it s different in a lot of video's of him. two things never change: the yellow suit and the grey hair.

    so is it him or a replacement: who knows??

  2. It's definately a replacement, although I have no idea who. Ambrose Martos could probably tell you.


  3. I remember seeing him in Alegria at battery park. his work moved me so much that I had a religious experience! his silence and his stillness makes every movement that much more meaningful. High energy is good but depth of character is better. he is confused by the absurdity of the world around him but makes the best of it.
