Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Photos courtesy of Greg DeSanto

2007 Felix Adler Award winners Greg and Karen De Santo doing the classic Washer Woman, adding several more bits than usually seen in this gag.


  1. Nobody seems to have brought the gag to my side of The Atlantic, by which I suppose I mean I've never seen it done live. All I've seen was snippets of a routine by the clowns in a film/movie taken on a Canadian circus. I can name the film, but not the show , nor the clowns. Parts of the action are more than a little funny if you're "into" circus.


  2. How about seeing some footage of this classic gag ?

    eL ClOwN BoY

  3. john--
    A parallel thought, I wonder why the Firehouse bit with the fire atop the fire captain's helmut was never brought to the USA.
    Is it or was it a mainstay of the UK clowns, or was it just a bit that was photographed too often?

    Does anyone have a tape of the UK clowns' "The Haunted house" or title similar?

  4. Mike,

    In reference to the fire on the firehat, We did that bit when we performed the gag, and I'm sure it was part of the routine even before we did the routine in 1988. I know Patrick has put up a press photo of Mitch Freddes and Frosty Little in which that bit is seen.

    The European "Hat on Fire" bit that I remember was done by the Fratellini's (and dozens of clowns more since then).

    I too would love to see some Haunted Chamber or Boxing Robot entree film!


  5. Good question, Mike.
    And just in case anybody is wondering, I'm not really computerate and have no idea how to post clips - even if I had any.

    Wishing you all a very happy 8 May (for no particular reason!)


  6. Just a quick fyi , the Ringling Red Unit used the fire in the fire captain's hat for the 95'/96' tour but the "higher ups" neglected to provide the clowns with a fire truck so they had to run in for the start of the gag . Darn those suits ! Huel Speight was in that gag ( He's a great guy . ) and Chris Allison was Boss Clown at the time .

    cLoWn BoY

  7. The washer-women gag was done to perfection on the Beatty-Cole show in the early 1960s by Eddie Dullum and someone else who I can't recall. I can still see them sitting on the ring curb commencing their washing!
    Dick Flint
