Sunday, June 08, 2008

CLOWN ALLEY: Al G. Barnes 1930

Photo courtesy of Bill Strong

Following yesterday's post about not be able to rely on program photos be sure which clowns were on which show in which year comes this picture from the 1930 Al G. Barnes program.

I'm not sure of the identity of the clown on the left. The clown on the right is Billy Rice. The clown in the center is a young Felix Adler and it is unlikely that he participated in any part of the Al G. Barnes tour of 1930.

This is, more likely, a Ringling Alley photo.

It is interesting though to see what it was that American circus clowns were doing in the days before rubber noses, when it was too warm outside for nose putty. Felix, Billy and Paul Jerome when he worked in whiteface all painted a red circle around their noses. It looks odd in photos but probably looked alright under canvas, from the seats.

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