When the museum moves to it's permanent home soon much more of the collection will be properly displayed...
Grock (Charles Adrien Wettach)
Antonet (Umberto Guillaume) and Grock
A Benny Schumann poster
Arthur Pedlar
Arthur Pedlar's whiteface wardrobe.
Greg DeSanto and I spent yesterday morning going through the photo files and video tapes at the ICHOF, identifying photos, cleaning up files and viewing videos; pure clown nerd heaven!
Things are far from perfect but we left the place a little better than we found it and I plan to head back over there today to continue what we started.
I opened with the Zoppe show at the Taste of Summer Festival in Waukesha last night. Crowds were light and the first show was a little creaky. The second show was much better and the evening was much easier to get through thanks to Bill "Mr. Bill" and Michelle Machtel being there performing on the Kid's Stage.
Note to Greg and Karen: There is a Culver's right near my hotel!!!
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