Thursday, June 12, 2008




  1. Agreed.

    Bruce the Clown

  2. What a waste of time NBC's Celebrity Circus was last night.

    John Peters

  3. I agree where are the clowns in this show

  4. My frustration is the feeling that I have to watch to be able to talk about it with folks who come to our show.

    I suppose I could tell them that I try to leave work at the office...

  5. Hi , there everyone . I didn't see the program but it sounds like I was one of the lucky few . I was wondering though , if someone could elaborate as to why it "stinks " ? Just curious.

    ClOwN bOy

  6. The acts were not good, but then again, shouldn't we be happy that this is helping put the circus in the public eye more?

    The more people want circus, the more jobs for us, right?

    Curious how you feel about this view of it.

  7. Absolutely!

    Is it really necessary to have the fashionable, stereotypical cast of judges? A 10 minute show stretched and pulled fighting all the way into an hour and a half!

    Everything doesn't have to be a reality show. Thank God for the Cartoons of old on DVD!

  8. Well...

    Unfortunately, if we want Circus on TV, you sometimes have to take the good with the bad. I look at it as the price of admission.

    I don't like birthday clowns and balloon twisting, but I'm glad they're out there. That's maybe not the way I want clowns portrayed in the public eye, but as long as they aren't scaring kids, I figure they are showing kids that clowns are ok, and it might lead to performance opportunities for me.

  9. in my celebritty circus .....Gunther Gebel Williams would get some actor dude in the cage.some pretty actress would get on the trapeze and be caught by pa pa Luna, then "romanced" by larible. I would have Bello put a annoying reporter on an elephant while she screams in terror. Circus stars is what I'm talking about! they are they most interesting people on earth! how could they screw that up? most people would be terrified of the whole scene! God I love the Circus!
