Monday, July 14, 2008

CLOWN COLLEGE: Lou and Frosty

Photo courtesy of Eric Heath

Lou Jacobs and Glen "Frosty" Little teaching at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College at the old Winter Quarters in Venice, FL.


  1. what an honor it was to be taught by Lou and Frosty. I remember Frosty used to hold my arm and tell the other person "hit her harder" now the other person wasn't really hitting me , but I think he was trying to mess with me just to see what I could take . They both made me tougher and funnier. when people change your life how can you ever thank them enough?
    Pam Leonard Ramirez class 89
    Planet Earth Productions
    ps thanks for the run down memory Ln. Mr. Cashins

  2. Pat,
    I'll second that. What a wonderful once in a lifetime experience to be around the likes of these men, and most importantly the wonderful, wonderful Clown College.
    Wade Burck

  3. Those were a couple of wild assed boys for sure. There are some early pictures of a young Lou with his shirt off and he had some GUNS!

    And I will never forget Frosty recounting his days on the PT boat and how he survived having it shot out from under him...

    Nevermind... that was John Kennedy. But Frosty DID have his own carrousel!

  4. I'll never forget meeting Frosty for the first time. Prior to the visit our first phone conversation was to have Frosty pick me up at the airport in Idaho. I told Frosty, "Okay Frosty, hold up a sign with my name on it so I'll know who you are!" Frosty replied, "Nobody goes to Burley, Idaho, I don't have too!" Sure enough, I get off of the plane and as I'm walking past the luggage and onto the right, there's this man who's faced transformed into a clown without makeup. Holding a sign that read, "Cristina." Funny thing was, he was the ONLY person in the whole entire airport. We both laughed, and then I replied, "You smarty pants you!" There will NEVER BE another Glen Frosty Little again! I miss him!;(
