Monday, July 28, 2008


I had a wonderful conversation with F.O.C. (Friend of Mr. Jackie LeClaire last night. Jackie is well and doing fine in Sarasota, FL and continues to clown with Dolly Jacobs and Pedro Reiss' Circus Sarasota and it's outreach programs.

He sometimes gets frustrated with his memory, that some or other clown's name from yesteryear isn't right on the tip of his tongue, but we were talking about people that he might have worked with a just a few times maybe 40 or 50 years ago! I'd say his memory is doing just fine!

Regarding the photo, here's what Jackie had to say about it on the Clown History group...

This photo of me was taken in 1957. It was as "Richo" the Rich Plan Clown. It was taken in Roanoke, Va. by a dept store photographer that was doing photos of children for Christmas. The picture was distributed by the company and I had some black and white 8 x 10 's made up for my own use.

I worked two and a half years in PR work for them. About the best job I ever had salary and conditions wise. It unfortunately all went bust in 1959 as so many of the dealers of the frozen food plan wanted me and they could not spread me around. It was beginning to cause a negative, so they said I could either leave now with two weeks pay or work the two weeks. I took the leave now option.

I had saved what was for me, more money than I had ever had. They had paid all my motels, provided me with a car and gave me every 6th week off with salary and expenses. I just went to New York, took the Song Of Norway ship and went to Europe on a personal tour for 6 months, making 17 countries. I have never regretted that. I was only 32 at the time. Saw so many circuses there, never realizing that I would be touring Europe with a Ringling Bros. unit in 63 and 64. I still have a few of these old photos, plus the 8 x 10 's with the "Richo" the Rich Plan Clown signature already printed on them. Brings back a lot of memories.

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