Friday, September 05, 2008

FRANCESCO CAROLI: Circus Roncalli, 1999

Photo courtesy of Mike Naughton


  1. About some questions concerning the previous Caroli post:

    -Francesco's costumes were mostly done in Paris by the famous Vicaire. Some were lost in a fire while travelling in the 80s. The remaining are owned by Alberto Caroli (Enrico's grandson) who still wears them at Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione.

    -Yes, the Caroli were related to the Belley family. Not to the Zavattas,but yes to the Cristianis and several other dynasties (Caroli are an immensely huge circus dinasty).

    -Yes, Juanita is Ernesto's daughter. She was a wonderful equestrian acrobat. His brother Tino is the lighting designer at circus Knie and at Monte Carlo Festival.

  2. Please do NOT show this picture to Keith Crary...

  3. Back in the thirties, so the story was told to me, one of the Belley girls was married to a Zoppe. After his death, she then married a gent named Zavatta who toured with shows then called Zarasani and Klutski. When I was a kid in the 50s my mother mentioned that my grandmother was some how related to the three clowns I recognize in that photo,I would guess that would be the same group of gents.I also recall being told they had several punk elephants born on Klutski during that time.

  4. Thank you, Raffaele, very interesting and much appreciated.

  5. To J.C. Hall:
    Probably, the Belley lady you are talking about is Gilda Belley (1881-1936):she married first Francesco Zoppé and later Armando Zavatta. Two nieces of her were married to two of the Caroli: Morina Bellei married Camillo Caroli (not in the trio); another niece, Renata, married Alberto Caroli(one of the sons of Enrico from the clown trio).
    According my informations and your name, I presume that your mother can be Aurelia Zavatta, daughter of the forementioned Armando (1881-1931), and wife of Mel Hall, that I imagine be your father. It is right?
    In this case, your grandmother is Gilda Belley, somehow related to the Francescos clown trio, even if very indirectly.
    A sister of Aurelia married a Kludsky,right?
    The Belley family was among the "modern" ancestors of the italian riding acrobat tradition, in the style then made famous by Caroli, Zoppé, Zavatta, Cristiani. The Belley family disappeared from the circus scene in the mid 30's. In Moscow, in the late 80's, I discovered Romano Belley, heading a sensational troupe of jockey riding on camels, with his several sons and daughters. He said that his family went to Russia before the revolution, then they were naturalized in the Soviet Union, and part of the State Circus. I booked him in Italy for a festival and a tv show around 1994, then I have no news.
    Sorry in the case I've been wrong in attempting to discover your genealogy.

  6. Thank you for saving me the need to comment on Vicaire, Raffaele!
    I believe that the company has ceased to exist.
    I know of 2 collectors who have Vicaires in their collections, one in Britain. The other in Spain. Furthermore, there is a Vicaire on display at The Clown Museum in Wookey Hole, here in Britain, having been donated by Charlie Cairoli Jr. (Note the spelling of the surname. Not related to Les Francescos.) Evidentally it was bought in 1975 at a cost of £1500. I suppose today's equivalent would be more like £3000, which is in the region of $5000 at current exchange rates!


  7. To R. De Ritis
    Yes my grandmother was Gilda Belley however for the life of me I could not remember her name. To my knowledge she had six children ( 5 boys, 1 girl ) Secondo,Francesco, AkA Keeko, Rafalle, Jovanino, Zoppe, and
    Aurelia,and Oglie Zavatta.They grew up on the Klutski show and came to the 1936 on the Cole show,I do not recall being told by my mother of having a sister however my parents both had previous marriages.Thank you for the information as I did not recall my grandparents first names.
