Sunday, June 28, 2009

CHARLY COSSY & CO: Circus Strassburger (1957)

Photo courtesy to

Charly Cossy & Co. perform the classic Painters Entree.

To purchase a copy of this photo, please click the title of this post.


  1. During the 50s and 60s this entrèe was the second act of the Kossmeyer equestrian family. They traveled mostly with the Schumann horse acts, and starred mainly at Cirkus Schumann in Scandinavia and Bertram Mills in Great Britain.
    Karl Kossmeyer later presented his masterpiece mule cmedy act.

  2. Karl Kossmeyer presented his own circus in Holland in the 1970s or 80s, using the title (and I suspect I shall spell it wrongly) Circus Soujke Dijkstre, after the award-winning ice skater - to whom he was married! The opening performance overran by quite a long time, and I think there was just one season.

  3. sjouke Dijkstra
