Saturday, March 20, 2010


Link courtesy of Beth Grimes

It's so insanely obvious, why haven't we ever fully explored this, but WHY doesn't the Physical and Visual theater community have MUCH stronger ties to the hearing impaired community???

We have GREAT shows without a word of dialog and we beat our heads against the wall trying to build an audience. The hearing impaired community are looking for entertainment that offers just that!

Is anyone reaching out to this market? These artists? Bringing them into our fold and vice versa?


  1. I just spent the second part of a very successful ten week residency teaching, directing, making silent movies, and performing at Gallaudet University and the Model Secondary School for the Deaf. So, to answer your question, yes

  2. How was it?

    Does Gallaudet offer any resources for helping to target this market?

    I've checked around Google and there doesn't seem to be any sites to answer the question of whether or not there is an established network of theaters devoted to performances for the hearing impaired.
