Monday, June 14, 2010


I'm speechless...


  1. And that's how Steve & Ryan were born

  2. This is comedy? I find it very disturbing that this is what people think is funny these days. What is the connection with the clown? I liked it better when you could laugh at the antics of clowns and not get sick from it. Personally I find this very degrading to the ones who are serious about our art. Not cool!

  3. I have no idea if it was supposed to be funny.

    I don't understand a single solitary moment of this.

  4. thats a tv clown in mexico, he is well known for his vulgarity and extreme use of bad words and double sense in all of his jokes, it's sad but that's what tv thinks that sell and I think not only in mexico. too bad. Since i came back from ringling i've been trying to do a classic clown tv show with no luck, wonder why right? hi to all
