Monday, November 08, 2010

QUOTE: Mark Anthony

Quote courtesy of Brian Wright, photo courtesy of Wayne Sidley

"We clowns . . . are continually living our childhood over and over again. We get away with things that most people only dream about. We do all the things that normal people only dream about. We do all the things that normal life teaches us to avoid. . . . Like the seaman who likes the roll and feel of a ship, I like the feel of the circus. You marry the circus." - Mark Anthony

1 comment:

  1. The historian in me wants to know where this wonderful quote first appeared. Perhaps a newspaper interview so what paper and date? The last two sentences are great commentary!
    When I was on staff at the Smithsonian, I engaged Mark Anthony to work in a little one ring circus (along with the Herriott family) as part of a festival I produced in the spring. Great guy as we all remember.
    Dick Flint
