Friday, February 04, 2022

Clown Alley Black History Month: Zachary "Skeeter" Reece


Skeeter Reece as painted by clown and artist, Jim Howle. Skeeter has lived a fascinating life. I really enjoyed getting to hear him talk about it at the 50th Anniversary Clown College Reunion back in 2017. 
Skeeter got his break in the circus business by joining the King Charles troupe where he learned to be an excellent unicyclist.
Skeeter attended Clown College in 1977. He modeled his distinct look after his comedy heroes: Bugs Bunny and Harpo Marx.
Skeeter performed with the Ringling Red Unit for five years and also clowned on the Universoul Circus.

To find out more about Skeeter and other African American circus artists, please visit the Uncle Junior Project.

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