Monday, February 18, 2008


Scan courtesy of Marcelo Melison

Both Bill Strong and Marcelo Melison seem to feel that at least one of the clowns in last Friday's Mystery Clown photo from the 1947 Kansas City Police Circus was Ray Cosmo, seen here lower right.

Ray had a good run on the Shrine circuit but never became a "householdname".


  1. I know it is Cosmo, I think he did most of his clowning on Hamid-Morton, although he was with Dobritch, as clown & gun bearer, in the late '60's when that show fell apart. (the gun bearer part is a whole 'nother story)! In the Summer, he & Elsbeth had a jewlery joint on fairs.

  2. Thanks for solving a mystery! Many years ago, I met Jack Healey. He was living here in Coldwater, MI. I was told that he was an ex-Circus clown. I met him once at a 4-H event I was doing. He said, "Hey kid. Gimme 'the look'" I gave him by best Forlorn expression I could do. He said "Yer a natural kid."
    ... And I'm still at it. This is the first picture of him I've ever seen in face.
    Thank's Pat!

  3. Jack Healey is mentioned in official circus programs now posted on the haroldvoise blog.
    The programs actually posted the names of the clowns.
