Monday, February 18, 2008


Comments and link suggestion courtesy of Raffaele de Ritis

From Raffaele...

I vaguely remembered that he tried to be funny before turn himself into an intellectual.
I finally have found the confirmation.

The young Slava Polunin in his piece "Tango".

Don't miss the audience's reactions at the end.


  1. I assume this was back before comedy was funny?

  2. we saw him live in Alegria. this guy was very funny. I think this piece might be taken out of context, or maybe its more of a mime gag... alot of the physical comedy that he did in Alegria was alot different than what we are used to, nonetheless, it was hilarous, not all comedy has to have explosions and pies.

  3. Anonymous said:
    not all comedy has to have explosions and pies.

    Yes, but is difficult to call comedy an explosion of snow, even if amazing.
    Slava is a great tragicomic poet of theatre and pantomime. A remarkably accomplished mime. But not at all a funny man (and I don't think he pretends to be one).

  4. I think you are totally right... but cmedy is like beauty, everybody thinks different things are funny. no he is not a "funny
    man" in the way that Laurel and Hardy or Jim Carrey are, but he makes people laugh. He makes you laugh and go wow and whoa, hes' after a range of emotions some people think thats what clowning is , some people don't. Is he Chaplinnesque? can someone post some Chaplin so we can see?

  5. "Some" Chaplin is maybe an impossible challenge...You are sure to find every aspect of Chaplin in infinite sources on the web, leaving to Mr.Cashin's blog the quality of more subtle and unique stimulations...

  6. I see no logical reason not to include Chaplin in discussions relating clowning as presented on this blog. To simply ask the anonymous blogger to go somewhere else seems rather harsh. I certainly hope that isn't what you were suggesting.


  7. Back when there was a clown college we use to watch everything . Steve smith left no comedy stone unturned .I think bugs bunny is funny .Yea baby!

    CLoWN BoY

  8. lets start with his name thats funny,itsounds like a new Hand soap, "SLAVA" softens your hand while you do the dishes. he is the new Stella. Hey Slava! hes always depended on the laughter of strangers. a street car named Slava or...I'm sorry mr. Smith our xrays show you have a Polunin in your Slava its going to have to come out and its gonna hurt....but in a good way...

  9. Sung to the tune of "Maria".

    Polunin. I just met a clown named Polunin. They say he's just a mime, his comedy is too sublime for meeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you Mad Magazine.

    CLoWn BoY

  10. Is it pronounced Slawva or Slayva because until I know for sure I refuse to give my opinion on this issue.

  11. Oh we're the boys of Slava we hope you like our show, we you're rootin' for us but now we have to go!

    CLoWn BoY

  12. Who is this mysterious clown boy? Is he a survivor of a planet desttroyed in a fiery caticlysm and sent to earth by his father to help these terran clowns fight for truth, justice and the slapstick comedy way? Or is he simply an unemployed clown nerd looking for love in all the wrong places? Stay tuned true believers. The truth is out there.

  13. Why "Slava" of all names?
    Because his given name is something like Vladislav.


  14. Um ... It was a joke , hombre.
