Information courtesy of the Circus Historical Society
ADAMS, JAMES ROBERT “PICO”. (January 28, 1856-August 30, 1915) Clown. Born in Kent, England, the son of
Charles H. Adams and Mary Ann Cooke, and brother of the pantomimist and clown,
George H. Adams. Served a 7 year apprenticeship to
Ethardo, the English circus manager, before coming to America, 1870, at which time he first engaged with James M. Nixon’s. Joined W. W. Cole’s, 1878-79; followed by a sojourn in Havana with Orrin Bros., winter 1879-80; W. W. Cole’s, 1880, and Australian tour (left San Francisco, October 23, 1880). George H. Adams’ “Humpty Dumpty” Co., 1881, under the management of
Adam Forepaugh; William O. Dale Stevens’, 1883; John B. Doris’, 1885 (known as “Pico” Adams); Dockrill’s, South America, winter 1885-86. Starred in his own production of “A Crazy Lot”; also connected with Thompson and Lundy, Luna Park, Coney Island, and with the same management at Colonial Theatre, NYC., as assistant stage manager. Member of the NYC Hippodrome company from its opening, April 12, 1905, until it abandoned its spectacle productions. Married English actress,
Becky Taylor, December 1891. Died in NYC.