Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I arrived in Baraboo just before midnight on Monday, got to the hotel and immediately fell asleep.

Got up Tuesday morning and headed over to the Circus World Museum, met up with Karen and Greg and started to help hang some of the amazing collection of photos around Elephant Barn.

I went to Menards for supplies and candy.

ALL of the Clown College props, big and small, that the museum has (Disneyland clown car included) came out of storage, Tedrick came by and we went to lunch at Subway.

We got back to the Museum in time to meet Ralph Pierce, who promised more circus memorabilia and more candy.

Greg and Tedrick headed over to the Hippodrome to discuss the Friday night show; Tuba came by; I walked around the grounds (it was a perfect fall day) to see some of the wagons; Emily came over after school and the rest of the photos got hung.

We closed up and headed back to the DeSantos' house for a little bit before Greg and I met up with Ruth Chaddock and Peggy Williams for dinner at the Log Cabin.

On the way back Greg and I stopped at Tim Tegge's house, ostensibly to discuss this week but more so I could finally meet Tim face-to-face and see some of his amazing collection.

There are almost 175 attendees coming. The list (and quality) of videos being shown is mind-blowning, the photos, props and memorabilia on display is unprecedented and the public show on Friday night will showcase some of the greatest circus clowns in America.

And Coco arrives today.

This is going to be an absolutely phenomenal, once-in-a-lifetime event.

Greg and Karen have done a staggering amount of work here and are about to pull off something truly extraordinary.


  1. Pat, Is the Friday night show open the public?


  2. I agree that Greg and Karen have done a phenomenal amount of work on this thing, and as Greg said when he told me he was going to be in New Jersey last week, "Reunions ain't payin' no bills."

    I think it'd be a swell thing if everyone who attends (and can afford to) drops a little cash into an envelope for the DeSantos, as a way of saying "Thanks for all the hard work."

    Truly, I'm only thinking about $5 or so, but with 175 attendees, that's a good sized Thanks.

    Just my thought.

  3. Be sure and make the candy store a stop on your tour of Baraboo and be sure to try Joan's fudge but be warned that it will ruin you for any other fudge anywhere for the rest of your life !
