John "Smiley" Daly from the program of the 1971 Ararat Shrine Circus in Kansas City MO.

Smiley a few years later (with a look that's a few years ahead of it's time) at Circus America with John McKay
Smiley's makeup and costume here remind me of Mike Smith, one of my Clown College instructors and a very funny person.
Is that john Daly whos father was Jon Daly the first smiley lol..If so thats my uncle whos family I miss terribly.My mothers family grew up in the circus and my grandfather was smiley.In fact I dont have any pics of my grandfather without his makeup lol.If you know how to reach my uncle please lemme know.I havent talked to them since before my mother died.Thanx.
Im sorry was all excited to see my uncle John and did a complete mispell or whatever ya wanna call it.If its my uncle which Im almost sure it is my grandfathers name was William daly.He was smiley the clown also I believe.I always wanted to run away and join the circus but my family wouldnt let me.
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