The clown at the cannon appears in a series of photos in the recent coffee table book 1000 CLOWNS but isn't identified. I see Dick "Rocko" Lewis, possibly Otto Griebling and Jojo Lewis in among the line.
Also in the ring for this gag were Joe Coyle, the Bakers, the Sherman Brothers and Bill Alcott but they do not appear in this crop. Looks like they are doing the chicken gag, shooting a chicken from the cannon.
I think the tramp behind the guy lighting the cannon is Jimmy Davidson, and the one with the hand behind the ear is Happy because he made that date for many years, to the right of Happy is Bill Bentledge(?sp)
That would be Fussner, that was one of the Monster riggings of those days, I know he rolled the globe up, then across a little teetertotter to a pedestal, then back, I'm not sure if he was inside though. There was another act in later years that involved asome one inside a globe.
I think the tramp behind the guy lighting the cannon is Jimmy Davidson, and the one with the hand behind the ear is Happy because he made that date for many years, to the right of Happy is Bill Bentledge(?sp)
That would be Fussner, that was one of the Monster riggings of those days, I know he rolled the globe up, then across a little teetertotter to a pedestal, then back, I'm not sure if he was inside though. There was another act in later years that involved asome one inside a globe.
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