I'm going to remain silent on this one.
The duo is Mark Buthman & Ron Jarvis 1973-74...
Bozo Row circa 1979 Hollywood, CA. Can you name the Row???
I see Billy Baker, Kevin Bickford, Robin Shaw, Dolly Baker, Jimmy Briscoe, Ed Smith, Daniel Rodgers and Mr. Ron Jarvis.
How did I do?
The Sunday New York Times travel section ran a story about Idaho yesterday entitled "The Last Wilderness" about what a beautiful and fascinating state Idaho is to vacation in.
The article can be found at: http://travel.nytimes.com/2007/07/01/travel/01Last.html
At the article's end the writer only mentions three resorts in the ENTIRE state, one of which is the THREE RIVERS RESORT IN KOOSKIA AT LOWELL, IDAHO, which is owned and operated by friends and former Ringling circus clowns Mike and Lara (Heidtman) Smith.
Contratulations on the endorsement and hope to see you both when we go back to China in the fall!
To find out more about the Three Rivers Resort, or to book a vacation, please click the title of this post.