Since Shane has been old enough to walk he has always seemed to take great delight in adding historically inappropriate characters from some of his other Playmobil sets to the traditional Nativity scene. Last year the manger featured visits from Shepperds, Wise Men, Santa, Vikings, Pirates, Paparazzi, Police and a Mariachi Band.
This year he wanted to do away with the manger all together and thus we have what might best be politely described as "rather biblically inaccurate"... thus Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you The Cashin Family Circus Nativity 2007!

I must admit, the angel hanging from the trapeze was my idea.
Shane is amazing! Few are aware of the Supressed Gospel According to St. Lawrence (the Seaway) which firmly avers the presence in the Manger of, not only a Mariachi Band, paparazzi and Vikings, but also the Green Bay Packers (first string), the Rockettes, and a woman of uncertain origin named "Krystie" who passed out business cards bearing a "900" number.
Shane is the only Biblical scholar among you! (For Shane! For Shane!)
Congratulations on a display that truly (I'm being serious here) captures the wonderful spirit of the holidays!
**** Circus Nerd Alert****
I thought I was the only one!
From when I was 6- 13, I slept in a circus wagon bunk bed. (It was COOL!)
I slept on the top bunk and in the bottom bunk I set up my Playmobil Circus. And about Once a month I would tear it down try to pack it away on my train set (the circus ringcurb/seats didn't travel well).
On holidays the circus would celebrate too.
including Christmas!
(spec should have been called Jesus-brate!)
(Or The living Uni-reindeer)
(Or The 20th anniversary of Toy college)
wel You are not the only one.
I still got this circus.
with all the wagons and all the animals;
this year playmobil has a new circus
: only in europe. ( you'll have to wait america)
and whats special about it;
it has a wreal tent and lights above the entrance.
wreally beautifull
Well I bought the whole set!!
horses that wreally can make circels in the ring
wirewalker how wreally can stand and balance on the wire.
orchestra that makes sound ( drumroll etc)
and combined it with the old circus.
when its complete the whole room is full.
I dont play with it: wo be a little stupid for an adult but the sight of it is awesome.
I guess you love the circus and are nuts and even have a playmobil circus set or your are just plain and normal.
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