In the last week and a half FOUR people who's opinion I value greatly have separately taken me to task for NOT posting anything on Chuck Sidlow.
The only thing that has kept me from doing so is that I don't personally have any pictures of Chuck, not for lack of trying. I just haven't found any for sale but I searched around the web and came up with a few good ones.
These should give a brief overview of the career of a man who in 1977 went to Ringling Clown College fresh out of high school and quickly rose through the ranks to become, at 22 years old, the youngest Boss Clown ever in the history of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. He stayed with the show until 1988 and then spent several years performing overseas.
For the last few years he has been back in the States and doing amazing work with Circus Sarasota and it's community outreach projects, especially Laughter Unlimited.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages...a very long overdue welcome to Mr. Chuck Sidlow.
Because who doesn't love a circus clown from New Jersey with an auguste makeup, big red nose and a bald-top wig with orange yak hair on the sides? Who I ask you???
For more info and photos of Chuck please visit:
For more info on Circus Sarasota please visit:
I met Mr. Sidlow during an event in Sarasota. He is a wonderful clown, man, and fantistic with his followers.. BRAVO Mr. Sidlow. May you have a life full of wonderful happenings!
hey chuck this is asia from girls inc and i was wonder if the thing you wrote me.can i still use it it said all my mom had to do is sign me up for circus sarasota and you guys will take care of the rest but my mom is going to sign me up to be a clown please call 9936226
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